Our surf training classes consists of a dynamic flexibility warm-up, power, strength, agility, balance and core training. Our program is based around "surf specific movements" that will get you surfing better in weeks. We use TRX suspension trainers, Indo-Boards, light kettlebells & dumbbells, stability & medicine balls as well as other equipment. We also work on increasing your lung capacity. If you truly enjoy surfing then this class is designed for you!

Bootcamp classes are designed to increase strength, power, cardio, muscular endurance and overall health. Each class is an hour long and consists of a warm-up, strength training, endurance training and core work. We modify every workout to accommodate different fitness levels so don't be intimidated. Expect to be pushed outside your comfort zone but in a safe environment. If you enjoy getting your butt kicked then this class if for you!

Want to train with us but don't live in the area? We got you covered! The SRF Trainer App is an online coaching tool that we created back in 2018 and we've been providing workouts to surfers all over the world. Each workout is customized to your specific goals and delivered straight to your phone. We make training at home super easy with video tutorials and exercise notes; plus you don't need a bunch of fancy equipment. Click the button below for more information!

We offer One-on-One Training as well as Semi-Private Training. Each session is customized to the client's specific wants and needs to help you get to your goals quicker. Workouts include a dynamic flexibility warm-up, power, strength, endurance and stability training. Our SRF Coaches are highly qualified to deliver proper programming each time you set foot in the gym. Click below for more details.

Open Gym is a 1-hour block of time that clients can reserve to come and workout on their own. Feel free to utilize our equipment or do the workout on the whiteboard. This isn't a class but a coach will be in the building if you need assistance. We currently do not offer an Open Gym membership, it is a free service we provide to current clients. You can however book an Open Gym spot for $20 through our online bookings portal.

Surf Ready Fitness has partnered with Orange County Surf Coaching to offer "in-water coaching" for those who would love some surf specific technique training. OC Surf Coaching believes surfing should be an enjoyable experience and surfing's greatest value is the role it plays in the development of character and life skills. Our goal is to embody the statement above and to provide a safe, positive and inclusive environment for all surfers. Simply put “Surfing Is For Everyone!”